Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Income Inequality A Problem Of Concern Since The 1920 S

Income Inequality in America Income inequality has been a topic of concern since the 1920’s. Never has it been of bigger concern than now. Since the year 2000, the separation between the haves and have not has widened tremendously. I don’t have issue with those that earn more being taxed more, but I do have an issue with how it is distributed to those that are less fortunate. From what I understand, around 350 people make up the 1% of those that have excessive wealth in our country but don’t quote me on that. Their well didn’t necessarily come from trees it came from intelligence, hard work and perseverance. Then, as the old saying goes, the rich get richer. All in America are offered opportunities to succeed. While those that that have may have inherited their money or been able to attend the finest schools, the great thing about our country is that those that did not have can make their own destiny. Our country offers the best education, access to loans/funds to help pay for education and opportunities for those with entrepreneurial spirit to succeed. So if these opportunities are available, why is it that those that have succeeded need to care for those that have not or wish not to succeed? Our country is filled with those that choose not to work hard and wait for handouts from others without being accountable for their lack of effort. Many states are adopting policies which require drug testing prior to receiving any financial assistance. I’m all for this. While thisShow MoreRelatedEconomic Status Of The Middle Class1688 Words   |  7 PagesAfter the Financial Crisis of 2008 the economic status of the country began taking a toll on the middle class. As the years have progressed, the increase in inequality without any aid to these hard working middle class families has grown to be a problem for Americans. 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